One of my favourite flowers is 'Frangipani', okay make it the favourite flower. The intoxicating fragrance floating at the entrance of our home in an earthern 'urli' or the bird's bath in our balcony or ladles in my kitchen or in brass vessels in various corners of my home was a familiar sight in our previous home... I have mentioned in many earlier posts about this huge 'Frangipani' tree down the road from our home that spreads a carpet of fragrant white flowers every morning.My daily routine was incomplete without gathering a handful of these beauties and bringing them home.
When we moved to our new home a couple of months back, I really missed this small routine. I tried to make do with other gorgeous flowers, but nevertheless missed my frangipani flowers.
Today morning along with the sunrise came the oh-too-familiar intoxicating fragrance of Frangipani. We had picked up two small pots of Frangipani trees hoping one day they would flower. That day has arrived:-)
Next time you see a fresh frangipani flower fallen on a sidewalk, do pick it and yes, smell it:-))
I have been reading this book called 'Like the Flowing River' by Paulo Coelho. It's a compilation of his thoughts and reflections in the form of small stories.
Beautiful thought-provoking insights about everyday life. I like it.
A small excerpt from on of the chapters about books... " ...I used to say that I needed my books in case I ever wanted to look something up in them. now, however, when I want to find something, I turn on my computer, type in the key word or words, and everything I need to know appears on the screen- courtesy of the internet, the biggest library on the planet."
"Of course, I continue to buy books - there's no electronic substitute for them; but as soon as I've finished a book, I let it go; I give it to someone else, or to the public library..."
" Let's leave our books free to travel, then, to be touched by other hands, and enjoyed by other eyes. As I'm writing this, I have a vague memory of a poem by Jorge Luis Borges, which speaks of books that will never again be opened.
There is a line from Verlaine I'll never now recall, There is a street nearby from which my footsteps are barred, There is a mirror that has looked it's last on my face, There is a door I have closed for the final time. Amongst the books in my library ( I can see them now) There are some I will never open again.
Have a great day!
( P.S.~ The summer mini- series of photographs is over for now, will try and do another series soon:-)
Summer afternoons- summer afternoons; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James
This is my 282th post. Yay! ...but then I thought to myself, what have I been posting about? My everyday life musings? Well, that sure forms a large chunk of my posts;-) I realized I have posted about various other things too, so I have decided to categorize the posts under various topics.
I tried the 'label' tagging feature, but I have 101 labels so that might be too tedious for you lovely readers:-) So now I am manually categorizing them, so do look for new topics on the right-side panel in the coming weeks:-)
The first topic is 'Our Vacations'- do have a peak at the posts:-)
( P.S. Anyone who is aware of a software/code that can make my categorizing job easier, would love to hear from you!)
The lovely morning sun bathing our old home in warm light...*sigh*
Was hit by a strong wave of nostalgia, while I was deleting some old photographs from last summer. Here are some outtakes from the photos I posted on Flickr last year...Tuesdays with Morrie~ The book I read for a whole month and features in many of my photographs...Dessert tea by Brooke Bond Taj Mahal and books from Crossword bookstoreJuicy red pears... Enjoy your day!
A cold windy morning with bright sunlight today in Bangalore... Don't you think the chopping board makes an amazing backdrop? Some more of my 'chopping board' photographs...
White Summer...A flower's appeal is in its contradictions - so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.
* Something I have been reading by Robert Frost A Prayer in Spring Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today; And give us not to think so far away As the uncertain harvest; keep us here All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white, Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night; And make us happy in the happy bees, The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird That suddenly above the bees is heard, The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill, And off a blossom in mid air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love, To which it is reserved for God above To sanctify to what far ends he will, But which it only needs that we fulfill
*Something I have been listening to. *Something I have been planning to make. *SomethingI have been enjoying looking at.