* I crave light. * I crave sunlight. * I am a cheerful person on sunny days. * I follow light. * I like geometry, lines & angles. * Created by sun rays. * I like light. * Subdued by blinds. * Coloured by glass. * Unstoppable light.
A year for fresh ideas, new projects and some revamping. * Rang- The Colours of Life has a new sibling. A new blog.india & i. * Let it be... my photoblog, an off-shoot of my 366 days of my everyday life project which was left to be for a while, has taken on a new name & form. rolling in sugar dust... A space for my on-going obsession with food photography.*Mallika ~My Princess, is back in action in the new year with her little drawings.* Cups of hot chai will be served as usual atA Cup of Chai... and do look foward to some exciting posts at Rang Decor.
So bookmark my new projects and I'll see you there:-)
I love~ * foggy mornings yielding to the lazy sunrays. * church bells on Sundays * hot fluffy quilts in the afternoon sun. * kites flying in the blue skies * intoxicating fragrance of wild white lilliums that greet me in the living room. * fluttering of pigeon wings. * mishti dahi ( sweet yogurt) in earthern pots. * leftovers from a pre-new year bash.Tried a butterscotch icecream & chocolate cake sandwich for dessert.Jaipuri blockprint 'Razai' soaking up the afternoon sun
* read many, many books. * listen to more classical music. * bake more. cook more. * travel more. * walk more. * sleep more. * love more. * do more. * blog more;-)
* try this What would you love to do in the new year? Do share:-)