...Indian traditional vessels. I love traditional Indian vessels. Everytime I visit my mother, I always admire her super shiny kitchen with open shelves lined with stainless steel containers, tumblers and bowls in various sizes. In my kitchen I love having a fusion of traditional Indian vessels as well as ceramic, glass & airtight containers for convenience of microwaving, refrigeration & storing. The aquaguard water ( purified) water is stored in a huge stainless steel 'matka'. The stainless steel plates with rims are ideal for runny gravies:-) I even carry my huge tiffin carrier for picnics... If you want to get a little creative why not use them as decorative pieces? A lassi tumbler makes a lovely vase for a bunch of roses, float some flowers in a 'Paraat' or plate. Remember the Diwali Decorating Ideas on Rang Decor about using 'Idli Plates' for decoration? Some latest international trends in decorating include a lot of Indian traditional vessels....From Tine K HomeFromMadam Stoltz catalogue So bring it on...enjoy your simple but lovely stainless steel vessels:-))
Thought I'll just drop in and let you know that my interior design blog Rang Decor as well as Rang-The Colours of Life are featured in Domino among the 16 International Design Bloggers. I feel absolutely honoured and thank Holly of Decor8 and Domino for the feature. The feature has the 'camera-shy' me sitting on my favourite wooden sofa.
* drinking loads of ginger chai to soothe my itchy throat.
* reading 'under the tuscan sun' and dreaming of a villa in Tuscany where 'The windows are open to butterflies, horseflies, bees or any thing that wants to come in one window and out another' *sigh* * inspired, I whip up Italian fares and learn the meanings of Antipasti, Primi, Secondi, Cortoni & Dolci:-) Oh yes and colour therapy works for sun-crazy people like me, who have been having a tough time with the cloudy skies.
* After Chai, I think the second best thing is Oats. Yes, milky oats with organic jaggery. It's quite a comfort drink, especially when the warm milky sweetness soothes your parched, itchy throat. * Talking about sweetness, while cleaning my kitchen, I found two long forgotten goodies we picked up from out trip to the Nilgiris. Rhubarb Preserve fromBeulah Farmand Gooseberry Jam from Last Forest.
* Outlook Traveller has some interesting illustrations apart from some nice photography. * Listening to I'll love you till the end by Pogues from the soundtrack of P.S. I love you. Have you seen it yet? If not, watch today and cry loads till you feel cleansed.Have a lovely July!