Considering my current state of my mind is a mish-mash of tibetian chants, dream-like imageries and the physical body still feels the cold rugged mountain air, I am happy that I have one post that I just have to write.

Prayer Flags~
A prayer flag is a small piece of cloth which has Buddhist prayers printed on them and are mostly in a set of 5 colours symbolising the 5 elements of nature.
The whole concept of having prayer flags on rooftops, street corners, near mani walls, on top of gompas or just about in the middle of no-where as silent reminders that 'you are not alone' and with each flutter the prayers are carried with the wind to spread peace and good will...just took my breath away:-)

Here are some photographs of these magical prayer flags spreading the prayers into the wind...

Against the Alchi village skyscape

Prayers flags at Alchi village, Ladakh

Will be back soon after sorting out what next to share with all of you:-)
Enjoy your day!
I'll be posting more from our Ladakh trip here~ Archana Srinivas Photography
So this is where you've been, you lucky thing you :)
The photographs are simply gorgeous.
Gorgeous, Archana! Love the colours and the blue blue skies.
lovely pics. Where we live the waether is normally cool everrgreen forest and craggy hills abound and so do prayer flags :) in certains parts of our downtown
These pics are touching a corner of my heart! So SO SO beautiful - and the title so APT!
I have not seen such mesmerising photos in ages...
Lovely *sigh*
Thanks all:-)
It was a great trip. Taking my time to unwind...there is loads to share..will be back soon:-)
Beautiful prayer flags Beautiful you!
Hope ALL is well in your neck of the world Arch!!
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