"Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Don't claim them.
Feel the artistry moving through and be silent."
~ Rumi

I discovered Rumi a few years ago and ever since my heart hasn't been the same...
yes, the artistry....
the mynas' have returned. I can hear their oh-so-uplifting chirps.
i offer them my balcony to build their nests again.
i see my aloe vera plants multiplying and i help them propagate.

the satisfying joy of trying something new~ Granola

patience is not a great word when the zinnias are just a few days away from blooming.

a haunting tune that is playing on repeat in my mind.
a jug of water with whole lemons submerged in it.

dreaming of baking artisan breads everyday. (yeah dreaming;-)
life is sublime.
i wish you all life today.