* been away for 4 months. wow.* hi there to people who still visit this space.
* where did I disappear?
* was very much here, but suddenly had nothing really to blog about.
* meanwhile, I upgraded my comp to an Apple Macbook Pro.
* got myself a new lens Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Lens
* cut my hair.
* attended yoga classes.
* was offline for more days that I ever could imagine.
Suddenly today I wanted to post. So here I am:-)

* winter sunlight just warmed my soft heart.
* those succulent, juicy tomatoes with all their green crowns intact lured me to pick my camera.
* the new chai masala, that I picked up...does have some magical ingredient.
* loads of lotion on dry, dry skin.
* the father and the daughter huddled in the kitchen, trying to whip up a Sunday dinner.
* some new chai cups.
Hope all of you have a serene Sunday.